

killing time.

wondering about a geisha theme for tattoos?
was thinking a lady snowblood theme, but the graphics wouldn't balance out i think.

worrying about fine detail bleeding.
did want the last one on my arm with a samurai on the other. i've been struggling to find decent samurai images. also i'll probably change my mind, as history denotes.
want to cover myself up.

i need a good hispanic style elaborate script for my text. i like these but am starting to think i may have to draw it up myself.

in my head, it's stylised to the point of unreadable. back to the drawing board.
however totally reccomend:


more red wine. waiting on my favourite person.



genius girl strikes again.
don't forget your toothbrush? forget your toothbrush you can always buy a toothbrush. a phone charger?
meh. 3 days is no days.

think this is potentially my primo summer album. buy it, lick it, show it a good time, just do something with it. epic:

swim by caribou

broke laptop, ipod wiped itself, loaded it from someone else's computer. quite disorientating listening to someone else's library, i highly recommend it however. reminded me of stuff i'd long since forgotten.

feeling quite itchy to do a portrait, maybe try out a new style.
have to find someone willing to let me take their photo (who also is totally aware of how they look and in no way deluded).

todd bratrud's work is tight.


Damn you Gucci.
Damn you.

well played.

today mostly listened to:

and. . .

: )

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: when purchasing tickets for a sleeper train, always make sure to purchase in advance. this will aid you in avoiding a situation where you may have to sleep sitting up in a carriage with god knows how many miscreants and rapscallions.



the macbook cometh.

rivers cuomo's giving me calluses
: )
